We want to welcome a new member of the Soap Shaker family – Warburton Well Being, 3392 Warburton Hwy Warburton, Victoria. They now stock our Soap Shaker and have a wide range of Warbotanicals products. Head to our stockists page to get all the details.

Can I get one or two sent up to QLD.. 4812 if purchased please. Or is there a stockist up here some where?
Hi Kym,
Thanks for the question. All our stockists are listed under ABOUT, I don’t think there are any near Townsville. If you know any shops in Townsville that could be interested, please let us know as we will contact them. Otherwise you can order through our shop and you can have as many as you want sent up.
Yes you can get them sent up. All our stockists are listed on our stockist page.
To order you head to our website and click on SHOP. If you prefer I can do it over the phone – 0493297235.